Carrot Kid Craft
Happy Spring everyone! It’s me, Stacey from Glued To My Crafts again. How many of you are enjoying the lovely warm weather outside your door right now? If you are – totally jealous! Wyoming {where we currently live} isn’t really known for having “spring” weather, so I’ll just live through all of you. OK?
Anyways, back to the real reason why I’m here today – to share another kid craft with you all! I don’t have a clever name for it BUT it’s still cute {and easy!} I call it “Carrot Kid Craft.” And although it’s absolutely perfect for spring/Easter time, you can totally create this craft with your child all year long, for any occasion.
If you so happen to have leftover orange tissue paper from the Leprechaun or Lorax crafts I shared a few weeks back – you can easily replace the orange construction paper in this craft, with it.
So without further ado – here is how YOU can be “that crafty mom” and pull together this carrot kid craft for your child today!
- Large Paper Plate
- Orange Construction Paper
- School Glue
- Safety Kid Scissors/Adult Scissors
- Green Paint
- Paint Brush
- Brown Cardstock
- Stapler
- First cut your paper plate into a carrot/triangle shape. {Or some might say, a pizza shape}
- Next grab the orange construction paper {or tissue paper} and help your child cut/tear it into 2×2 inch squares.
- Slather a good layer of white school glue on the trimmed paper plate and ask your child to place their orange squares on it, until it’s completely covered. Set aside to let it dry completely
- Next make the stem of the carrot. Using green paint, make some footprints on the brown cardstock. We did three footprints for my son’s current age. Once those are dry – cut them out.
- To finish your carrot, staple your footprints to the paper plate.
Super easy, right? And of course, you don’t have to do footprints either. You can easily substitute them with handprints or have your child draw and/or cut something out by hand. And like I mention in the beginning of this post – you can easily substitute the orange construction paper for orange tissue paper. I truly believe the best kind of kid crafts are the ones where you can make it work for you and what you have on hand.
I really hope this “carrot-rific” craft post inspired you! I have another carrot themed kid craft, as well as several spring themed tutorials over on my blog. So be sure to head over there to check them out too. Till next time my crafty friends!
If you like this project, check out our Carrot Easter Eggs craft!