DIY Mercury Glass Mason Jars

DIY Mercury Glass Mason Jars at | #mercuryglass #masonjars

Hi friends! Today I’m sharing with you yet another mercury glass project: mercury glass mason jars! I love mercury glass, I love mason jars, so this is naturally one of my favorite combinations yet! And after the DIY Mercury Glass Trees I shared with you earlier this week, this was the next project on my list to update our house for the holidays! The steps are again the same as the trees…

What you’ll need:

  • Glass Mason Jars
  • Krylon Looking Glass Spray Paint
  • DecoArt Americana Zinc Acrylic Paint
  • Small Spray Bottle
  • Water

And the steps:

  • Mix 1 part water and 1 part zinc paint in a small spray bottle
  • Spray blotches of paint into the glass and let it dry a bit
  • Once somewhat dry, spray numerous light coats of the Looking Glass spray paint into the mason jars until well covered
  • And voila – mercury glass mason jars!

How to make DIY Mercury Glass Mason Jars at | #mercuryglass #masonjars

Once they were completely dry, I popped a couple of candles inside. And here’s how they turned out…

DIY Mercury Glass Mason Jars at | #mercuryglass #masonjars

DIY Mercury Glass Mason Jars at | #mercuryglass #masonjars

DIY Mercury Glass Mason Jars at | #mercuryglass #masonjars

DIY Mercury Glass Mason Jars at | #mercuryglass #masonjars

DIY Mercury Glass Mason Jars at | #mercuryglass #masonjars

Eeee! I love them, our mercury glass mason jars. Right now they’re showcased on our breakfast table, which is the table we use the most, so that I can stare at them everyday! We’re on our way…what Christmas craft projects are you working on?

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  1. You’re killing us with the cuteness! Have you still been using the one can of the zinc and the looking glass paint? Just trying to get an idea how long one can lasts.

  2. Have you ever used this same technique on the outside of the glass? I want to make Mercury Glass candlestick holders and they can’t be painted on the inside. I would love to hear your ideas. This is such a wonderful technique.

  3. Hello! Just stumbled across your site. I love it. What a great idea with the mason jars. I’ve been trying to find mercury glass Xmas trees. Now if I could just find glass ones I could do this technique with them. You two are so clever. Thanks for the great site and look forward to your future postings!

  4. Thank you for a lovely idea! I was looking for vintage looking storage jars for my new apartment, but this is way better! I’m gonna go make some RIGHT NOW:)

    Thank you again and keep up the good work, I love this blog – full of great ideas!

    have a great day,

  5. Want to do this. Just making sure that you sprayed the inside of the jar and not the outside. Thank you for your help.

    1. Hi Sue! For this project I sprayed the inside – however, I have since done projects where I sprayed the outside with a similar effect! That looking glass spray looks great either way! Good luck with your project, I hope you share when you’re done!

      1. Thank you Kimberly! I may try it both ways to see which one is easier and I like the best. Will let you know how it turns out.

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