{14 Days of Valentines} Arrow Wreath

Valentines Arrow Wreath by Illistyle

Valentine's Day Arrow Wreath - illistyle.com

Happy Monday all you Night Owls!

I am April, I’m a pastor’s wife, mom, artist, interior design firm administrator,
wine taster, crafter, and generally fun girl. I craft/create/share over at illistyle.

I am so excited Kimberly invited me to share this fun craft with you today:

illistyle Valentine’s Arrow Wreath

Valentines Day Arrow Wreath Tutorial - illistyle.com

Let’s get right down to it, shall we?
here’s what you are going to need:

Vaelntine's Day Arrow Wreath Tutorial - illistyle.com

Wooden Dowels
Wooden Heart shapes
(not pictred: E-6000 glue & masking tape)

First you need the most awesome tool ever, the Dremel. It is a tiny beast.
If you do not have that then you can use a coping saw.

Since the wooden heart is to be the tip of our arrow,
you will need to measure the wooden heart against your dowel to find how far down your notch must go.
Use a pencil to mark the center of your dowel where your cuts will be as well as where to stop!

Vaelntine's Day Arrow Wreath Tutorial - illistyle.com

Now you can use the cutting tool of choice to create the notch for your heart to fit inside.
Then you can simply slip the heart into the notch.
If you made the notch too large, simply fill with some glue to hold your tip in place.

Vaelntine's Day Arrow Wreath Tutorial - illistyle.com

Next, remove the heart and paint your arrow shaft and heart.
I used some trusty masking tape to create my design and keep my lines crisp.

Vaelntine's Day Arrow Wreath Tutorial - illistyle.com

Lastly, reattach your heart tip and attach some feathers to the end of your arrows.

Vaelntine's Day Arrow Wreath Tutorial - illistyle.com

You simply need to cut the feathers to the desired length and attach with some E-600.
Please only use the glue in a well ventilated area (i.e. outside.)
BOOM! Now you have some amazing – and very sturdy arrows.
If you have small boys… or any boys, or a husband, then these are serious weapons of mass home destruction.

Heart Tipped Wooden Arrow Tutorial - illistyle.com

Attach your arrows to a wreath.
I choose this 70% off Christmas wreath from Target and used white floral wire to attach the arrows.

Valentines Day Arrow Wreath Tutorial - illistyle.com

Or you could give them to your loved one with a special note. Either way, people are sure to be impressed!

Happy Valentines Day my loves! What will you make to celebrate?


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14 Days of Valentines - A Valentines Crafts and Ideas Series at @anightowlblog

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