Cupid’s Arrows and Quiver

Make an adorable Cupid's Arrows and Quiver with paper, pipe cleaners and a coozie! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmartha

Make an adorable Cupid's Arrows and Quiver with paper, pipe cleaners and a coozie! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmartha
Hi friends! We’re back today with ANOTHER adorable Valentine’s Day project with Martha Stewart Crafts! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I headed downtown last weekend for a little Valentine’s photo shoot with my favorite Phoenix photographer – Stacey of Dream Photography Studio. So far we’ve shared with you: Glitter Vintage Soda Bottles and Chalkboard Conversation Hearts! And today I’m sharing another fun and EASY Valentine’s Day craft: Cupid’s Arrows and Quiver! Arrows are all the rage, so I figured we’d sweeten them up with some hearts for Valentine’s Day!

Cupid’s Arrows

What you’ll need:

And the steps:

  1. Cut heart shapes out of MS Paper Pad.
  2. Glue two hearts to the top of a pipe cleaner.
  3. Cut the edges off of two hearts to create the “feathered” end of the arrow.
  4. Glue the ends to the other side of the pipe cleaner.

Make adorable Cupid's Arrows with paper, pipe cleaners and glue! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmartha Make adorable Cupid's Arrows with paper, pipe cleaners and glue! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmartha

Cupid’s Quiver

What you’ll need:

And the steps:

  1. Glue a sheet of MS Paper around the can coozie.
  2. Line the edges of the tube with decorative tape.
  3. Then use that tape to create the quiver “handle.”

Make an adorable Cupid's Arrows and Quiver with paper, pipe cleaners and a coozie! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmartha Make an adorable Cupid's Arrows and Quiver with paper, pipe cleaners and a coozie! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmartha Make an adorable Cupid's Arrows and Quiver with paper, pipe cleaners and a coozie! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmartha
So what do you think? So easy, but CUTE right? And they’re great for just about anything. You could make them with your kids for a fun Valentine’s Day craft. You could craft some heart arrows and incorporate them into your decor like I did last year for our Valentine’s Mantel! OR you could head out for a Valentine’s Day shoot like we did…oh this cutie!
Make an adorable Cupid's Arrows and Quiver with paper, pipe cleaners and a coozie! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmartha Make an adorable Cupid's Arrows and Quiver with paper, pipe cleaners and a coozie! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmarthaMake an adorable Cupid's Arrows and Quiver with paper, pipe cleaners and a coozie! | #valentines #marthastewartcrafts #12monthsofmartha

Photos by Dream Photography Studio

Alex thought the arrows were pretty fun to play with, and we thought he looked pretty darn cute with them! Move over Katniss – there’s a new cutie in town armed with arrows! Hehe! So now we’ve shown you these Cupid’s Arrows and Quiver, fun Chalkboard Conversation Hearts
Make these adorable Chalkboard Conversation Hearts with #MarthaStewartCrafts Chalkboard Paints! #12monthsofmartha
beautiful Glitter Vintage Soda Bottles

Make this gorgeous Glitter Vintage Soda Bottle with #MarthaStewartCrafts Decoupage and Glitter! #12monthsofmartha

So now it’s YOUR TURN to pick up your favorite MS Crafts supplies and start on your Valentine’s decor! I’d love to see what YOU create!


Thank you to the editors of Martha Stewart Living for sponsoring this post as part of the #12MonthsofMartha program! I received product in exchange for this project; however, all opinions are my own.


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